A potion for every problem


Mitu Mixtures works primarily off an order system to guarantee their customers gain tailor made products for an affordable price, though at one of their many mobile locations they sell an assortment of alcoholic drinks!(Nothing costs ooc gil though donations are appreciated)

Mitu-DrunkifierOne of the only alcholic drinks made entirely by Mitu's hands, this strong alcolic spirit has enough booze inside every drop to get even the largest of roes drunk in a few sips!1,200 gil per 1.5 pints.

Buzz-ness Honey WhiskeyA well selling honey flavoured whiskey! this carefully made and flavoured bottle is imported from the sunny shored of Limsa, filled with fresh locally sourced ingredients.
(Non-acholic version on request)
800 gil per 1 pint bottle.

Alchemical mixtures!Mitu Mixtures despite it's gallery of acholic drinks; is primarily focused around the creation, innovation and sales of alchemical potions, medicine, poisons (within legal degrees) and anything else the mind can imagine are available at a fair price.

((Other items are sold and will be updated upon the images and prices being finalised


Feel free to contact me either in game or though discord if you're interested in any of her wares!Every Monday night MITU MIXTURES participates with the organised Pearl markets event!

Pearl Markets

J'azana Mitu